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U.S elections: ‘We are holding the line, demanding that officials count every single vote’


Environment action group,, has declared that it would be holding the line and demanding that officials in the just-concluded U.S. presidential election ensure that every single vote must be counted.

The declaration came as reports are showing that the results of the presidential race might not be ready on election night as anticipated, and it could take several days for all the votes to be accounted for.

The organisation maintains that while Donald Trump continues to spread disinformation, Joe Biden has reaffirmed his commitment to a peaceful transition of power, as total votes roll in in his favor.

350 Action North America Director, Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, affirmed the stand of the organisation in a statement, Wednesday, saying: “Our work was never going to end on November 3rd. This is an election season and it’s not over yet. As predicted, votes are still being counted and our communities are making our voices heard.”

According to O’Laughlin, “We are holding the line and demanding that officials count every single vote.We will not accept false claims of victory from Donald Trump, and we urge Biden to remain steadfast as every vote is counted.

“No matter the results, we are here for the fight ahead. We are part
of a broad coalition of movements representing Black, Indigenous,
communities of color, immigrants, LGBTQ communities, women, workers, poor people, and more to demand that every vote is honored. BIPOC communities are always the targets of intimidation and voter
suppression, and we stand strong in protecting one another and calling
direct attention to these tactics.

“We will keep rising up against any
and all attacks on our democracy and our communities and we will hold State officials, the Electoral College, Congress, and the Supreme
Court accountable to every one of our votes. It ain’t over til it’s over.”

The statement said 350 Action was preparing to Protect the Results  on Wednesday, November 4th and Saturday, November 7th, supporting mass mobilizations
and distributed actions across the country.

Protect the Results is a
network of over 165 groups concerned about Trump’s efforts to sow doubt about the election, and his continued refusal to say if he will accept the results. The coalition is mobilizing millions of Americans, with over 520 “Count Every Vote” rallies scheduled.

350 Action Executive Director, May Boeve,  said: “The fate of our democracy and our planet in our hands. This year alone, our country has faced compound crises of racial, economic, climate, and health injustice, and have seen nothing but lies and corporate bailouts from Donald Trump.

“We will not stand for four more years of this, and that’s why we flooded the polls with our votes. Our struggles are all inextricably related.

“As people rise up to demand free and fair elections, we call on our
allies in global movements for climate justice to rise in solidarity
with us. A global wave of action is necessary to defend our
democracies and to push for a just recovery from COVID-19 and climate chaos. The US leaving the Paris climate agreement on November 4 demonstrates what’s at stake in this election. What we need now is all hands on deck for global climate leadership.”

On November 4, the US legally backs out of the Paris agreement. While the election results remain to be determined, it’s undeniable that
climate change is a top issue for people in the US .

As the country waits for election results, two million people are without power  in the Southeast due to Hurricane Zeta, fires rage in
California  and Colorado , and hundreds of thousands are without
power in Oklahoma and Texas due to a dangerous ice storm .

Globally, Hurricane Eta has made landfall  in Nicaragua as the 28th named storm of the season, and Super Typhoon Goni, one of the most powerful storms eve recorded, tore through the Philippines this week.

“Markets are divesting from fossil fuels , big oil is sinking and in an attempt to stay afloat, it’s upped its political contributions  to keep
Republicans in office,” the organisation said.

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